Adwords: Display Vs. Search Advertising

On the fence with your Adwords strategy? Because every business is different your choice will be largely dependent upon your objectives. While search advertising can drive customers to convert, display advertising is ideal for building brand awareness. Make an informed decision by reading this short tutorial about the state of your Adwords affairs.

What Adwords Will Work For You?

Display Advertising Vs. Search Advertising

When it comes to digital advertising, a common question that is frequently being asked is: In Google Adwords should I be doing search or display advertising? For those who don’t know, search advertising is when you put together a text based ad, when someone searches your ads come up at the top of the search. Whereas display advertising is when you get an image for your company and put them throughout the web on different websites. Now which one area is actually the best? It does ultimately come down to what your trying to achieve.

Display Advertising

Display Advertising is the best avenue if your business is aiming to achieve more recognition. This involves trying to push your brand out into the general public, to increase your audience and therefore more clients.

Search Advertising

Whereas if your looking for a bit more of a return on investment, search advertising is the way to go because someone has to search for the specific term that your advertising towards. So your pulling them in towards you. So if your advertising a product or services, then you would be looking at using search advertising.

Now the best thing with Google Adwords is that you also then get real time google analytics. So you’re able to see when someone comes through from display advertising and how there interacting within your website.  Along with that, search advertising can see the exact same information and see if people are actually converting on your website.  You’re then able to change or optimise your ads or turn off the ads that are not performing well. If you’re trying to get back in front of someone analytics will show that they’re come to your website and you can now get in from of them again through something called re-marketing and google adwords display advertising. There are a lot of different avenues and if you are looking for return on investment search advertising is the way to go. But if you’re trying to get a general brand out there use display advertising.

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