Too Boost or Not To Boost

That my friends is the question we’re answering here today.

Have you been boosting your posts on FB?  Well, I’m here to tell you why you need to STOP.

Before you stop reading, please hear me out.  I know you’ve had some great traction with a post organically, so you boost it, you get a few more likes and maybe the odd thumbs up, but I would bet that finding that it’s not making a huge difference to your business in the long run.  And here’s why………

When you boost a post in FB the post is delivered to the News Feeds of users who kinda fit within your targeting parameters.  And hey it’s easy, just click the little blue boost button and away you go. Yeah, it will get your content to reach more people than it would organically, but here’s the truth, unless you’re really lucky the majority of those extra viewers of your content probs won’t respond or connect with your content in any meaningful way, which really just means you’ve tossed that money away.

So, by only boosting your posts, you’re NOT accessing the full power of Facebook’s advertising system and you know they’ve got some serious data in there, so you NEED to use it for your business.


I want you to have a look at creating sponsored posts in Facebooks Ads Manager.  There you’ll find a plethora of targeting options designed to expand your contents reach, get access to better targeting and so many more features, plus much more chance in being seen via Facebooks ad auction algorithm.

This extra step (even though for some it’s gonna feel like a leap), can go a long way in terms of your results.

Here are 6 steps to launch your first ad in ads manager.  You. Can. Do. It.

  1. In Ads Manager, click the green “create” button.
  2. Select “Brand Awareness” or “Engagement” as your objective.
  3. Choose your target parameters to reach your target audience:
    1. Location
    2. Age
    3. Gender
    4. Jobs
    5. Behaviours
  4. Click the drop-down menu to choose a pre-existing post – (one that you would normally BOOST).
  5. Launch the campaign.
  6. Repeat!

So yep, it takes a bit more time that simply Boosting a post, but our experience is that you’ll get more BANG for your BUCK which equals better results.

So off you go – have a go.  And, of course if you think you need more Facebook wizardry you can always reach out, because you know we love this stuff.


KBB Digital Marketing

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1300 887 115



No sales pitch just great advice for you to take away and use as you wish.

SEO, SEM, FB, Inst – it’s a minefield of information out there, let us guide you through what it all means and how it can benefit your business.


.. or call 1300 887 115